Thursday, June 28, 2007

Secret late night report from Jukka

Everybody else is already sleeping, I still have some energy left, so why not a small bedtime story.
We are currently situated at 3700m above the sea level in Elbrus' first base camp called Barrels Huts. Our choise for accomondation tonight are these funny-looking tubes in russian colours tailored for sleeping quarters. Story goes that these pipes originate from Siperia and are a residual of old russian oil pipe lines.
Although the view from the window is breath-taking, you should consider twice before checking in your girlfriend here for a romantic night in a canddle light (canddle since naturally there is no electricity).
Challenge uno: if she would happen to need to go to a toilet, there is an old 1,5 litres Fanta bottle hanging on the outer door implying that it should be done there.
Challenge due: previous visitor, or her girlfriend, has evidently tried to do it i.e. hit it but missed it quite badly. So you really don't want to go near this alternative.
There is of course a public toilet nearby as an alternative. Directions: go about 100m downhill, turn left, take a deep breathe before entering (actually take it at least 20m before you even see the toilet building) and try to hit the hole in the floor. Keep the toilet paper on your knee, try not to touch the floor during the process and voila! enjoy the summer.
There might of course be some color pen, exaggeration, in above report, but for me this all is new. Okey, tomorrow I will tell you about Minna's cookings, now there is a tasteful story. Till then sweet dreams.
p.s. we try to put some photos on the site soon

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